Check This Out

Monday, August 08, 2011


just downloaded this new app to my phone n now i'm addicted to it.. didn't get a hang of it at first, but now i think averagely i can score 9/15 (and that's a fact)  =D  fun2 game... so yeah, my new game of this phase...

went for buka puasa at selayang last saturday... had a feast but was too full... usu bought dim sum which were super yummy, luckily there were leftovers so i could eat more on sunday hehehe we cooked sambal udang, asam rebus keladi, pecal, then usu bought ayam golek, n alang bought ikan bakar..then for dessert (does dim sum count as dessert?), we had grapes n pengat pisang... was too busy to take pics (as always when break fasting at selayang).. yummy...

haishh now i'm craving for dim sum... might ask usu to buy some n drop 'em off at opah's place for us to get later wee hoo... then i'll just break fast with dim sum... how yummy will that be... super yummy i tell ya...

kurang la pahala puasa yer huhuhuh

p/s: just heard that Uncle Razif passed away... al-Fatihah