so after 4 1/2 days of heaven, i'm finally back in hell hahaha kidding.. although sometimes it does feels like it... it was fun sitting at home, not doing much, something that i'm used to back in my college days... during those days, i went to Ikea for another round of meatball, went to Selayang to visit the newborn Qaliff Qaiser (cute gler) and potong pokok rambutan opah, went out to celebrate my parents' anniversary, and hang out with my sisters... out of those four days, i only managed to work out (sorta) once huhuhuh kinda disappointed with my lack of determination but i do also think that that's some accomplishment for me as well.. had a fit yesterday cuz of how much i've 'grown horizontally'.. i'm becoming more of kim kardashian from the back =s n it kinda sux cuz everyhting i wear now makes me look huge n are super uncomfortable... so i tried to make it my mission yesterday to at least buy something new for my wardrobe.. only managed to buy one top, no thanx to my stupid shoes that hurts my feet n this lousy unfit arm that ache after cutting my opah's tree...

The adorable Qaliff born on 22nd December 2010.. he was 2 days old at this time n already rambut dh lebat kn...

on 25th December, we went to Asal @ Kota Damansara to celebrate our parents' anniversary... we were the only customer there when we reached the place and was kinda bummed when we had a look at the menu...

because of our low expectation, the food tasted super yummy... we ended up ordering another round of this... had one like this but chicken, chicken leg with rice (mcm nasi ayam la gak), then iranian bread with beef curry n iranian salad.... sedap sedap sedap... i'd give it 8.5/10 n highly recommend this place...

see, we all ate smp licin hbs la... iranian bread (mcm pita bread) je tinggal sket sbb kenyang sgt dh... plus we had another thing in mind later...

which was this!! we're officially froyo freaks... they opened another outlet in OU!!! that was supposed to be ours huhuh we gave our parents their presents.. mama didn't seem to like hers huhuhuhu double sedih...

this activity made my arm sore... no regrets, it was fun tho n i was happy that opah was happy =D but sayang, the tree is getting old, n the rambutans itselves dah xberapa manis n juicy...

tired but satisfying... can't wait for this coming saturday @ new year.. it's gonna be our family barbeque.. n contrary to my so-called 'new year resolution', i'm planning to eat a lot =b so to make it up to it, i'll try to eat less for this week, n if i fail to do so, then the next coming week heheheh let's fit myself back into my old favourite jeans!!
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