been sneezing all weekend with a minor running nose... i think i got it from a colleague.. so i went to Maybank's clinic yesterday n got the medications above... Meds for sore throat, flu (night n day), n also some vitamin C... the doc also said i had low blood pressure of 90/60.. i hope it doesn't stay that way for long.. anyway, if you're family, you'll noe that i'm a sore loser at taking pills... i basically suck at it.. i dun noe how the rest of you do it.. it's just so hard to swallow a pill, especially those antibiotics where u can't even break 'em in half... but luckily the pills i got this n time are small, so i managed to swallow them with a breeze... hopefully this nose won't be a problem for the next 24 hrs or so...
on another note, might have marvellous session with the kazens later tonight.. mohsin will be off this thursday to Belgium for another competition in Guatemala later in dec, so maybe sempat dinner je kot n not movie like what was planned...
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