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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

When A Banker Becomes A Plumber

it's finally Raya!! and yes it's already 6th Syawal so this isn't really an up-to-date post but it's the holidays n i'm sure i could be pardon =b before i go and rant about my long weekend, just thougt i sum it up as unexpected.. so, embrace urself for a long post (i think), cuz another one may be on ur way (after tomorrow's trip, dat is)

so we'll start on Thursday, the day before itself, cuz lots usually happens then.. work sux as usual, wasn't really into it (more than the usual) cuz my head was just not there... the day before raya was probably among the highlights of raya itself.. that's the time where we usually tidy up the house a lil' bit n cook for raya.. the usual dishes would be ketupat, nasi impit, rendang ayam, lontong, kuah kacang, paru sedap opahn sambal ketupat (those are whut i could think of at the moment).. unfortunately this year, i had to work before raya so i couldn't help out on that day.. we were allowed to go back at 3:30pm dat day but with the work we had to do, i left around 4:30pm i think.. so when i got back, mama, yaya n izad had already left, n it was almost 5:15.. i showered n packed for the days ahead n me n my dad left around 6pm.. we reached there n they were starting to cook for buka puasa already... not that i was working hard, but i felt exhausted n tried to help out where i could.. when it was Maghrib, we all broke our fast n ate a lot.. especially the boys.. they really ate a lot, n that's their normal consumption.. can't imagine how all that food could get into their tummy.. when we're all done, we tidied up n rest for a bit, n continue our chores for tomorrow's preparation.. Alang n abang went for takbir raya n would alert us when the group are approaching our house.. this year, we served lengkong (jelly) n guava juice (concentrated of course)..they came ealy this year as opposed to previous years where they reached the house at 1am.. we all had to force ourselves not to sleep, not that we usually get sleepy at that time, whut with all the fireworks blasting our eardrums.. owh did i mention that there was no water? well this will relate to the title itself but lets just hang it for a moment.. bottomline, we had to use the water outside, yg direct i think, instead of from tangki (or the otherway around).. Opah called Pak Usu to ask how we could solve it n there had something to do with tightening a pipe or so (complicated plumbing stuff) so Alang tried to help out by doing so while Pak Usu was on the line, but it was in vain cuz nothing happened.. we just left it be for a anway, all the dish washing had to be done outside, n usually Angah is left to do dat, but sumhow dat day, i didn't feel like walking around doing stuff, i decided to help her... cuz basuh pinggan just sit at one place, n tgn je will do all the work.. so to shorten things out, while washing outside, we heard like something fell inside.. at first i thought it was one of the ingredients yg berlambak atas meja so i just ignored it n dlm hati ckp dh xder rezeki, xpela.. cuz it'll mean that either lontong, xder tempe, or paru xde kacang etc...then the ppl inside was talking n all n Angah decided to go inside n look, n i yg busy body pon ikot.. turns out, Opah fell from her chair.. she was in so much pain, i felt like crying just seeing her.. Alang helped her out (naseb ade gk sorg anak laki) n we sat her on her wheelchair.. she was sitting on a normal chair before dat, n maybe she was bending over to show yaya something (or dozzed off as later she told my mum has happened sometime) when she fell.. so basically, we all told her to rest n leave all the chores to us (even if it's just the 5 of us, cuz Usu had to helped out her MIL).. so basically, when we're all almost done, n the group for takbir came, we tried to rest.. fireworks were still banging n i felt like choking those kids to bits.. seriously, someone could get a heart attack from those noise.. yeah it may be fun at first, when u're young, but now i find it super annoying.. i can't even hear a word opah said...

anyway, it was hard sleeping that night.. they watched a bit of football i think at first, n i slept on Opah's lazy chair.. i must've dozed off cuz when i woke, the match was over n they changed tv to the one in the living room to watch some sorta drama.. i went to sleep in Angah's room then.. at 3am, my mum entered the room, n i woke n tukar port lg cuz mama dh chop tido situ.. in between i heard opah bgn n all, den they woke us up for subuh.. slept more a bit after that n woke around 7 sumthing.. managed to help, tidy the place a bit n set the table for the day.. since there's no water, shower was limited n had to be kept at a minimum (no mandi sunat raya cuz lamer gler if nk basuh rambut n all) so papa, abang n isa went for raya prayers, the rest xsempat mandi (the guys i meant, girls jarang semayang raya) then when they came back, we had our the menu for dat day was nasi lemak (our request cuz nasi lemak opah sedap gler), nasi impit, kuah kacang, rendang ayam, kari daging, lontong, ketupat, sambal ketupat, paru sedap opah n sambal sotong... all yummy but unfortunately, dis raya xpuas mkn, xtau ar naper.. anyway, when we're done n dh mandi n all, it was picture time!! (all pics will be posted later with less caption since it'll be hell tu comment it all..) dis year, pics pon xbyk sgt (dunnoe why too) so the first guest, as always, is Toksu Mahmud (they live across the street) he looked so skinny n weak, after his bypass.. i hope he's doing well.. he doesn't joke around like he used to and i miss that.. this raya, only intan, firdaus n haikal was around.. kak fariza n fashira celebrate with their in-laws for the first time.. a group of kids came too, (they came every year, a bunch of kazens), then before Toksu Mahmud went back, Opah managed to snap a pic with him.. the only pic of her sitting, cuz unfortunately after that, her pains worsen n she could only lay down on the bed..

since Raya fell on a Friday, the guys went for prayers n we lepak2 making sure Opah was fine.. should've eaten more *sigh* then after prayers, they guys came back, Usu arrived n guest came staggered at once.. so basically, after 2pm our day was filled by entertaining guest... the first batch to arrive was Nek Cau from Salak Tinggi, n Mak Long Beta from Pahang was there too with her husband.. the kids were the lucky bunch cuz i managed to give them duit raya (cuz we only had several leftovers, not enough for all).. then i think Usu's frens came n Tok Tam as well, but there was a short gap in between.. then the Seremban batch came over followed by Nek Usu batch from Serendah.. it was already 6pm (our time to packed n head over to PD plak), so we made sure there was enough food n drinks, layan2 org lg sket... owh, since xder air, guest were asked to use paper plates n cups.. sorry sgt2 becuz it'll be easier for Angah to throw away the garbage later, then leaving her alone to wash the dish when all of u leave.. so it was almost 7pm, n we made our move to head to PD...

exhausted in the car, but didn't really fell asleep.. we chatted a bit, papa told us the good news bout Alang (oct coming soon, yeay) so happy for him.. as my mum n Opah said, he really2 deserves it.. we reached PD, n dh maghrib pon.. the rest were getting ready to go out cuz there weren't any much food (activity raya la), n since abg omar was here, kne bully jd sponsor la.. we didn't feel like joining cuz was tired.. i quickly showered, then went flat on the bed.. too tired to eat or mingle.. didn't even hang with the cuzins when they came back... was dozing on n off tho... when they were out, i remembered dat Zara (anak Lan), fell down the stairs.. was startled by the commotion for a moment,n saw Murni running out of the room to her daughter, the i dozed off again... next thing i noe, there were laughters n the rest was back n watching Sundal Bulong (btol ke tu?) siap baring2 n all.. felt like shouting to them to shut up, but it was only about 11pm at dat time, n i can't really blame them cuz it's normal when everyone get together.. so for the remaining hours, i was in a bad mood trying so hard to get some sleep then gave up..

fast forward to the next day, woke up rather early (it's hard to wake up late at PD cuz the TV is always on) showered n had breakfast.. can't really recall whut we did in particular that day, but mostly we just hang around layan the kids in the house.. gave out duit raya to those who were eligable.. didn't manage to hang out wif mohsin tho (haven't seen him the whole Ramadhan) just saw him briefly the night before n salam before i flat off.. then they went back to marina dat night n left for Johor n came back on sunday.. we went back to ttdi that saturday night itself cuz papa wanted to avoid the jam.. it rarely felt like raya anyway at PD.. it's like its just celebrated for the 1st half of the day where pics r taken, n money are given out, then back to ur daily activity... mayb cuz no one really come over to visit cuz it's just family, unlike in Selayang where extended family gathers..

so anyway, while in PD they were saying how Pak Ngah Talib isn't doing really good that's why Tok Cik didn't go to PD, so we decided to visit them (kt selayang gk lgpon).. so we hung around there for about an hour or so, then went to Opah's house again to see how she's, Usu n Alang was already there cuz apparently her bed broke, n they were getting a new one (Alang blanje of course).. so by the time we reached there, the new bed was on the way... we ate leftovers from yesterday, n Pak Usu was trying to fix the pipe.. because Alang turned it too tight, he had to break the walls under the sink a bit to fix things up.. next thing u noe, water was splurging out the pipe like the way u see in the movies.. within minutes, Opah's kitchen was flooded.. gelabah la kitorg cari towel to prevent the water from hitting the carpet etc.. naseb baek dh tukar uniform from baju raya to 'baju opah' hehehe it was a fun 1 hour or so, lap lantai, perah air dlm besen, n when it's full, buang air kt luar.. even papa helped out.. turns out, if the pipe wasn't too tight, it'll be much easier to fix it..

so yeah, basically that's whut happen when a Banker becomes a Plumber.. but we don't blame u *cheers* it was among the highlight of the week.. can't imagine those ppl whose whole house is flooded.. aiya, sian gler...

this post was long due (it's already the 3rd week of Syawal) but i hope everyone had a good n joyous celebration... Opah is getting better by the day, thank God.. can't wait to get my car, cuz i've got a plan...