camwhoring in the bus.. errk naper iwan tido? or buat2 tido?
already on the bridge.. first half hour, still happy lagi.. sempat camwhoring n tgk nelayan..
fast forward 4hrs n we're here... gamabr wajib on escalator..

the famous globe.. a bunch of us, not including aunty2 n bdk2 kecik..
us girls.. see how we all think a like.. sumer turns out wearing pinkish/purple-ish.. n i thought i wanna stand out..
pintu gerbang USS..Farhan on the right, our photographer =D
entering the park (back pose alert)
after entering the park.. the road to the big circle where we'll see the theme parks.. that Faheem with the orange sling bag..

Madagascar ship on the right, n a part of Hollywood on the left..
yikes, someone got stuck on the tree n died.. cool skeleton..
izad ngamuk pic die kne potong hahahhaa
an orge.. raawwrrr.. this is supposed to be Shrek's swamp.. we rode that rollercoaster in the background..
Far Far Away...
off to the Mummy side... inside that buidling is the rollercoaster we rode (the best ride that day) i think we lined up more than 30mins.. lamer gler.. kne line up kt dlm, luar nmpk kosong je, ingat xder org... haishh kne tipu.. n ade org scary kejar Suraya hahahaha...
after going on Battlestar Galactica spinning cup, went thru Hollywood n reached the Crazy Hat Stand.. budak2 gedik esp Suraya n Aina.. i'm sure u can identify them =b
BeatleJuice BeatleJuice BeatleJuice!!! it's the guy with the white face, in case u don't noe.. Tim Burton y'all..
ok sesat castle far far away... inside was Shrek in 4D, yg same with Movie World tu...
this is in between Madagascar n The Lost World (Jurassic Park).. the only thing i baught that could be consider as a souvenir... a bottled water.. yaya n Suraya got Shrek's potion-like bottle, tp izad lak gedik nk msk pic..
we're done.. n budak ni lapar gler...comot gler mkn smp ade chicken kt rambut hahahh
with Basirah.. a big girl now.. still remember us hanging out together..she's a bit shy now, but still cute n dearest to me.. ye, pilih kasih, but sometimes we have our favourites right?
6pm n they're close..
jalan2 time.. this is Candylicious which i will be going to eventually.. it wasn't opened when we were there..
L-R: Nana, Mohsin, Me, Izad n Athirah.. Yaya taking the pic..
Hard Rock Cafe.. was later joined by Aina, Nurain, Basirah n baby B..
somewhere below the hotel or near the casino.. not quite sure.. but jalan2 jer..
sker gler die maen air tu...
we're done n boarded the bus.. sembang sket before we all slept..
except me n izad during our stop at Machang to send Adam n Jazzy... the rest?
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