Check This Out

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Someone Like You

Your charm is overwhelming, your presence makes me gleam,
You walk pass by me and I drift into a day dream,
You flash a smile that had me tingles.

I saw you with her, with ease and poise,
Both of you ignoring the surrounding noise,
You"re in your own world, just the two of you.

She tells me tales, all involving you,
Envy seeps through my veins  just hearing the truth,
I wish I was her, I wish I was with you.

You care for her, your sweetness show,
You're an amazing man, that I do know,
Would you ever see me like how you see her.

I look beside me, there's an empty chair,
I wish you were sitting just there,
Come here for awhile, get to know me.

You saw me, you looked away,
Words spoken aloud without having you say,
I get it now, I'll be gone.

I wish i had someone like you,
Who cares for me through and through.
Be good to her, I know you will,
Love her as I love you still.