Check This Out

Thursday, December 27, 2012

My New Somewhat Hobby

I used to love baking before this.. not that i've tried baking many things, mostly just cupcakes or muffins and only have tried baking moist chocolate cake n chocolate cheesecake.. but i remember loving that.. getting ready the ingredients and measuring it all up.. watching the batter gets bigger and puffier in the oven.. but cleaning up after was like hell (as i mentioned before, i hate cleaning up after)... but somehow, as time goes by, i've noticed that i'm more leaning towards cooking as oppose to baking.. i don't feel like baking whenever the thought occurs.. but when i get the chance to cook, i'm somewhat more eager about it...

i guess i do enjoy cooking before this, like during the time my parents went for haji, i took down some recipes from mama for me to cook..those time i just made simple dishes to eat with rice.. but lately, i tend to experience more with pasta (konon mcm byk kali try je =b )... jue ckp kite ni masak western je, padahal time masak pasta je lah mengada2 nk send pics.. bler kite masak sup bayam or masak lemak kobis xtersend pics pon hahahahah so ever since i tried the Shaytard's Alpine Mushroom Pasta, i wanted to perfect it...

as mentioned, the 1st time i tried to make this, papa had to eat it with ketchup sbb tawar huhuhuh...

the 2nd time i made this, i remembered to taste 1st before eating it.. it was all vegan this time cuz i had no chicken so i only used mushroom n asparagus.. looks better right...

the 3rd time was a failure.. i used angel hair spaghetti instead, and i used wild mushrooms rather than canned button mushroom, plus i remembered to buy cheese boo hoo... 

i made this during my recent day off.. semangat nk cuti n masak, decided to make lamb chop cuz xpuas mkn kt rumah tok cik hari tu... there were 3 main factors that made me fail, 1st is using angel hair spaghetti.. sgt x sesuai with this kinda pasta and maybe i over-boiled it... 2nd was the wild mushroom.. i didn't realised i didn't use wild mushrooms before this until i started cooking.. air die kluar and at first i thought "ok, i don't need to add more water now" wrong!! the pasta tasted funny cuz of that mushroom water oozing out huhuhuhuh and 3rd was the cheese.. finally when i remembered to use cheese, i overdose the pasta with it huhuhuhuh it didn't give that nice texture that i wanted... so yeah, practice makes perfect only when u try to do the same thing over again, not when u experiment the "same" recipe with different ingredients huhuhuh

owh well, i'll perfect that recipe soon.. anyway, another round of lamb chop this coming new year yeah!!! planned to have lamb chop, garlic bread, mushroom soup, cheesy wedges and perhaps burgers.. different side dishes from what i made that day... that day i only did lamb chop, pasta and some mixed vegie... look it!!

the ingredients...

tadaa!!!! (don't be deceived by the look of it huhuhuh)

this is what i made awhile back, time cuti gk... roast chicken, mixed vegie, garlic bread and cheesy wedges... i know ulang2 je menu kn hahaha but this was in October so agak back-dated  =b 

ok, enough bragging about my 'cooking skills'... browsing for other draft that i can finish writing to post.. post genting still not done yet cuz pics are all in my tab.. hope everyone has a good weekend and new year ahead..

Monday, December 24, 2012

Year in Review: 2012

ok it's been awhile i know.. xde mood n sgt2 malas.. and i figure i'll still be lazy this week, so i thought of doing this a little bit early and brief (my version of brief, anyway).. so how has the year been treating me? it's been good, considering.. so just as i did last year, i'm just gonna do bits and pieces of random things and highlights of this year here... also, just as last year, the first shout out and "one of the most awesomest memories" goes to the wedding of my best friend, shikin!! i've blogged about it and can still recall the great moments we had.. i'm too lazy to link so just browse about if u wanna read it.. it should be somewhere in july, right? owh well, it was a fun experience just hanging out with my friends and just being together.. funny we only see each other once a year, boo hoo... in no particular order (except for the 1st place) these were among the great memories and experience i had this year...

of course, how can i go on and not mention about Avenged Sevenfold's concert.. Awesome!!! among the top 3 best concert i've been to, that's for sure.. i don't think my excitedness is properly express here, so just imagine me jumping up and down while typing this out  =b

our 5 in 1 dinner this year.. although we didn't take a lot of pics, n mama wasn't feeling good, it was still fun.. i didn't make a post about it yet, but we had dinner at the Traders Hotel KL... and they had dim sum!! yeayyy for that hehehehe

we had more family moments this year, more dinners together, and finally had our short family trip in Cherating!! although the hotel was a bummer, but we had fun together just hanging out.. even when we didn't know what to do, as we realised there was nothing there, we did manage to have a good time.. and i discovered my love for satar.. maybe love is an understatement.. it was more of an obsession.. for the past 2 days there, i think i ate more than 50 satar.. yumminess hehehehe

this year also, i realised that i love cooking.. this wasn't a one of thing.. just something i noticed.. and what i've been trying for a couple of times now is making pasta.. i've succeeded, i've failed.. owh well, practice makes perfect and although i have a strong feeling that i won't be opening my very own restaurant, i would really love to cook for my family + opah n all one day...

i managed to do more work out this year compared to last year.. does that count? not that i'm really keeping count, but that's just how it feels and i will consider that to be a big accomplishment for me.. even tho 'shaytember' didn't succeed pffttt...

i'm still obsessed with the Shaytards  =b  i even got their 2013 calendar, which sadly wasn't signed by them.. i was keeping my fingers crossed for that one.. and it'll be more value for money if it was signed cuz total of the calendar plus shipment? about rm105++.. not cheap for a calendar.. owh well...

i bought myself a Galaxy Tab hehehe not really a huge highlight but, it's among the things i bought with my own money that cost quite a bit (for my standard at least) 

work-wise? plenty of ups and downs but i hope this will be the year... please?

i went for my first treasure hunt this year, which had me started to like treasure hunts.. only did them twice, but i love the 1st one better.. cuz it was with my family!!!

errr i took a picture with Siti Nurhaliza? hahahaha boleh la...

paid off my car for another year wee hoo.. i now have only 1 year to go before i fully own a car.. and  a somewhat increment for not having to pay my monthly loan.. 

and last but not least, how things are going on with my family.. couldn't ask for anything better =D

well that's all i could think about now... there some lows this year but not worth mentioning.. the year ain't over yet, and we still have another family dinner planned, i.e. our parents anniversary tomorrow.. i think it's their 30th anniversary.. haven't gotten them anything just yet.. not quite sure what to get them.. we're planning to go for Japanese food tomorrow night yeayy...

as for the year  ahead, i'm still keeping my stand with having no new year resolution.. so no pressure.. i'll just do the usual of trying to better myself, in mostly all aspect.. so, although it's a tee wee bit early, Happy New Year and let's welcome 2013 with open arms.. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Meat Point @ TTDI

This is so back dated, i can't really recall when it was.. My family decided to have a family dinner (weehoo).. there was no lunch so i guess naturally, papa was hungry.. he asked what's for dinner and suggested to eat at Jasema (mamak je? heheheh) but then as usual, once we get in the car, we were still putting out ideas where to eat.. so izad suggested to eat at Meat Point at TTDI.. the thing with us is that restaurants kt TTDI mmg xkhatam lg.. we usually just eat at the same place.. Santai and lately Homst.. so since it was a good idea, we decided to try it out.. 

Meat Point @ TTDI.. it's easy to find, just the same row with Standard Chartered..

we ordered one dish each, although initially i thought of just sharing.. here's what we had...

We ordered some mushroom soup and garlic bread for starters... the soup was nice, same goes to the bread..

Yaya and I had carbonara.. at first i didn't order anything, thought of just sharing.. but then i felt hungry, so i decided to have this instead.. taste good, not great.. 

this is a little tough.. since the meat all looks the same.. but i'm pretty sure it's the beef.. basically u choose ur meat from the freezer, then they'll gice u 2 side dishes.. choose between the saute or grilled vegie, and also between fries n mashed potatoes... the taste are normal.. they should have more vegies.. so mama n papa had the same dish...

izad had the lamb.. initially, i planned to share with her.. but upon the arrival of the food, nmpk mcm xcukup jer huhuhuh

so that's what we had.. the total damage was RM200++ (can't remember exact amoount) plus drinks la.. my honest opinion? u could get better western food at Tony Roma's, Chillis or TGIF at about almost the same price but with more side dishes.. but if u're around Taman Tun and thinking of going having some western food, u could give it a try.. it ain't bad, just that there are better places to eat  =b


drafted this post dh lamer gler.. clearing my blog and just checking on anything yet to be publish.. so be prepared for random stuff..

Friday, November 16, 2012

Annapolis + The Guardian

I watched the movie Annapolis last night featuring James Franco.. then suddenly i felt like writing a break up story inspired by that movie plus The Guardian, featuring Ashton Kutcher.. i'm liking the way it's turning out so hopefully this could be a nice shortie.. i wrote Another Daydream once but it didn't work out for me (as with any other thing i try to write).. start small, that's my aim.. 

that is all  =b

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Time To Party?? Not!!

ok, citer dah basi.. but since i've been doing it 2 years in a row, i thought i'll just do a quickie, plus i had some pics..

So we had our department dinner on 5th Oct (papa's birthday).. for some reason (other than the president of the staff committee) it didn't feel exciting as the previous ones i attended.. click here for last year's dinner and here for 2009 dinner where we newbies performed.. those nights seemed more exciting and fun.. so this year's dinner was held at Furama Hotel.. i guess it's new cuz the interior seems like it.. but the surrounding area looks kinda scary to me.. maybe cuz it's known somewhat as the red light district hahahaha anyway, we got there earlier than last year, siap2 n lepak2 kt surau hotel tu dlu... went up to the ballroom (i think) where the event was held.. unfortunately our table was the front one and the speaker was near us so it wasn't really a strategic table to sit at.. plus there was a tiang in the middle of the room that blocked our view..

they played a few games, it was ok.. not too fun though... and of course, in the hype of time, they did the gangnam.. won't comment on the dancing cuz i don't know how to comment without sounding rude (ok kejam huhuh)  oklah malas nk tulis.. here's a few pics i got .. there's other pics actually but i didn't get it from my friends.. couldn't bothered by it..

I don't know why i do the peace sign in almost all pics.. mcm xde pose laen je huhuhuh  annoying plak tgk.. thanx to ashraff n huda for the pics... this year xde ady n hani so a switch in company that night.. ok sgt malas.. this week sgt best sbb selang seli cuti n keje wee hoo... bye

Monday, November 12, 2012

2 Down, 1 More To Go

Yes, I’ve paid 2 year off of my car loan and now left with a year to go.. woot woot.. I’m so excited to call that car mine, plus be about rm800 richer each month muahahahaha my plan (as I may have mentioned before) is to do my best to pay everything off by July.. then I have the remaining of next year to enjoy / save that extra money.. then in 2014 (I’m being optimistic here) I’m going house hunting.. seeing that I’m super picky with the house I want, finding my so called ‘dream house’ might not be easy..

I want a home that’s not so far from ttdi, or kl cuz I don’t want to commute a lot for work.. even a 1 hour drive to work (without traffic) is consider super far.. if possible I want somewhere that takes me about 30mins drive without traffic.. I though of having a semi d cuz I want it to be more spacious but then that’ll cost a lot, so I could just settle with owning a terrace corner lot.. that way I have a garden, and I can go through the back door from inside my house.. I’m also a little picky about the square feet of my house.. my parent’s house in ttdi is I think 24” x 70”(or 75”, xsure).. n I see most houses are about 20” or 22” and they seem a bit small.. I don’t want my house to feel sempit so I’m thinking of a 24” house too..

And then there’s the price.. I don’t make a lot so almost all houses with the specs above cost a lot, more than I could afford.. the houses I could afford, however, are far away like maybe Nilai or something and that’s like living in another country.. xnk laa (gedik).. so now I’ll have to save up some ka-ching for my future home.. unless Prince Harry does decide to marry me, then money is not a issue  =b  ok dh hbs merapu, bye

Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Belated Birthday Papa!!

ok so i'm 10 days late in writing a post about this.. but what matters most is that i wasn't late in wishing my dad =b  so last last friday was my dad's 61st Birthday... he's old hehehe but alhamdulillah still healthy.. what sucks that day was i didn't even meet him.. i drove to work cuz we had our department dinner that night.. our cars did pass one another so i just raised a hand and saw him briefly.. then i had the dinner and came back about 11pm++ almost twelve and off course, papa had slept.. we left a card for him just to wish him, and i text him to wish happy birthday.. owh well, as they say, it's the thought that counts hehehe so happy birthday papa.. i wish u all the happiness in the world, panjang umur, and murah rezeki.. if only u knew how happy we were (at least izad & i) about u last saturday.. i wish that remains forever..

Monday, October 08, 2012

Memory Lane

As u might know, mama went to london for the past 10 days or so.. i know it's kinda cheesy to post pics of vacation that doesn't belong to u or the ones u didn't go to, but i'm gonna make an exception here cuz mama send some pics that were among the earliest memory i had in life.. and this is even before labuan, even before i met my best friends jue n shikin.. i remember back then, my so called 'bff' were emma and aminah.. i remember going to their house after school, playing dressed up and make up.. i was so young then.. i wasn't even 6 years old... i was excited when i saw the pics, so i could only imagine how mama felt, when she was there again...

 the back of our house.. our house is the one on the left.. i remember going down this stairs to the backyard, which is a big garden.. and there are a bunch of christmas like trees at the back.. i also remember walking by that little path there on the left side... 

this is our school in london.. Holy Trinity Primary School.. i have a picture of myself in the school uniform (which i doubt i will post it here) so much memories at this school.. i remember participating in our school play.. i was the dancer for Grease Lightning.. i was also the purple teddy bear, one of the toys from Santa's workshop for the christmas play.. then i was supposed to be one of the orphans in Oliver Twist, but then we had to move back to malaysia..

This is the road we had to walk on the way to school.. maybe because we were smaller back then, but i remember this downhill road seems much more wider... the school's gate that we enter daily is about halfway down the hill (if i remember correctly).. 

this must have been funny and weird at the same time.. my mum taking pictures from outside the school hehehehe

so yeah, just a few pictures to share.. thought i'd have it in my blog, just in case.. so tell me, what were among the earliest memories u had in ur life?

Shaytard's Alpine Mushroom Pasta

Another recipe from the Shaytard Household that we tried.. we tweaked it a bit to suit our tasting... instead of meatless, we added some chicken fillet.. it's simple n tasty, just the way i like it..  so the recipe here is what we used (although we forgot about the cheese), so u can add whatever suits u...

1/2 packet of Fettuccine
Olive Oil
1/2 can of Button Mushroom 
Cherry Tomatoes
Chicken Fillet
Vege Broth/ Chicken Stock
Mozzarella Cheese (i forgot this boohoo)


So basically this all goes down to how much u like stuff, i.e tomatoes, asparagus etc.. if u like them, add more of them, otherwise, put less.. First off, diced all the ingredients such as onions, garlic  asparagus, tomatoes, mushroom and chicken.. i used 1/2 of the onion that was as big as my fist, but u could use more.. then i used about 4 garlic.. we cut the cherry tomatoes in half, sliced the mushroom to small slices, the asparagus was cut smaller but i would suggest about 1cm long.. the chicken was cut bigger then i hoped it'll be, so note to self, cut the chicken smaller.. 

this recipe is just mixing it all together, one item at a time.. first, the usual, will be the onions and garlic.. then add the chicken and mushroom.. remember, this is all done while the pasta is cooking, so make sure u check the pasta every once in a while just to make sure they're cook right and not soggy.. next add about 1/2 can of vege broth.. i didn't have this so what i did was used some hot water n mixed some chicken stock in it... then i added some flour to make it thicken a bit... when the chicken is cooked, add in the vege broth/chicken stock.. simmer it a bit and add in the asparagus and tomatoes.. 

have a taste if this to make sure it's ok.. i kinda missed this part huhuhuh i put a little too much chicken stock (at least i thought i did), and didn't add more salt and pepper cuz i thought it'll be salty.. big mistake.. so remember to taste n put some salt if it needs to be added.. once that's done, u're pasta should be cooked as well... drain the water out of the pasta, and leave about 1/4 of a cup of the water ( i didn't do this though cuz i already had a lot of water mixed with the chicken stock).. add in the pasta with the other ingredients... sprinkle some mozzarella cheese and mixed them well (i totally overlook this part huhuhu)

the end result??  Walla...

it looks good right? and i like the way it taste too, although more salt could be better (or maybe chicken stock) i guess it's good cuz izad can eat it (although xtambah) but also the downside, papa had to eat it with some ketchup huhuhuh but overall, trial and error.. will cook this for mama when she gets back.. she's coming home today weehooo

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Shaytards' Quinoa Salad

So, as obvious as it is, for some reason, watching the Shaycarl can be very influential.. i've been watching the shaytards vlog for perhaps two years now, and almost everything they say or do, i seem to want too.. for example, the food they eat.. especially now since they moved to LA, they've been eating salads a lot.. and once they showed how they made Quinoa salad which looks yummy.. plus the kids ate it so maybe the taste is 'tolerable'? heheheh so anyway, here's the recipe for the salad.. not exactly how they made them, we tweak it here and there.. not that anyone will try this out anyway  =b just for my future reference hehehe

1/2 cup of Quinoa (it's a type of grain/wheat, so look in that section)
2 Tomatoes
1 Onions
a few Cilantro
1/2 can of Corns
1/2 can of Red Beans
1/2 can of Chick Peas (kacang kuda)
1 Green pepper (capsicum)
1 Jalapeno (cili hijau hahahaha name nk class aje)

For dressing:-
2 Lime
4 tbspn Olive Oil
1/4 tspn Cumin powder (optional)

This is easy to do.. since it's a salad, it's just mostly dicing the ingredients and mixing them all up.. the above is a suggested amount n also for future reference.. we used about double of everything so it was a huge portion, seeing that only the two of us ate it.. so next time if i plan on making some more, i'll just use 1/2 a can of everything, or maybe use a smaller can if they have one..

so basically, diced everything up into smaller sizes (except for the dressing ingredients).. we didn't cut the corn n beans so that was the same size.. mix it all together n put it to a side.. take the quinoa and heat it with a cup of water... let it simmer till all the water are absorb and evaporates (make sure it's not too dry)... add the quinoa with the other ingredients and mix it.. this is the salad..

for the dressing, take the olive oil and mixed it with lime juice.. add a bit of cumin (i don't know what it taste like so u can just skip this), and salt n pepper for taste.. mix it well.. pour the dressing to the salad and mix well... wala, u got ur quinoa salad.. it doesn't really looks yummy, but i love the taste.. eat it with some tortilla chips and it's yummy.. i could survive a meal with just eating this hehehe

a thing that i'll change the next time i make them again (besides the portion) is to add more dressing n more lime, n lessen the onions n cilantro.. add more tomatoes.. yummyy... 

the end result...

lets eat more greens heheheh

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Just When I Thought Things Change For The Better

It got worse  =(

i hate when friends and work don't go together.. 

please don't cry Amethyst


I'm giving this another try.. no promises, just trying to change some habits.. i set my alarm early this morning but still i hit the snooze button.. that needs to be change.. trying to figure out how i decide to get up.. it's like after my sister is done, i HAVE or NEED to get up, cuz that comes naturally.. but when my alarm goes off but my sister is still in bed, it's natural for me to continue to sleep, even tho i've reminded myself why i need to get up 1st.. somehow, that part of me always lose the battle.. so i need to slowly but surely change that..

anyway, now that Shaytember is over, should i evaluate myself? i know that i suck, that can't be denied.. out of all the goals i had, i only managed to do one.. or rather not do.. and that's really not by choice.. my goals were to have fruit day on thursday, 100 crunches per week, no negative post about work, and finish a book.. i really thought that i could finish a book, but apparently not.. the only thing i managed to do was to not post negative things about work.. and that's cuz i was too busy to even open my blog during this one month time *sigh* not that i have anything negative to write, i was refraining myself.. i do feel like i've accomplish things during this past month.. Vince helped me out with the vba for my report, and i've managed to do some amendments to it.. which reminds me, i need to do some follow up.. and i'm starting to understand more things too.. so that's kinda good for me.. 

enough about work.. on a sad note, kinda got bad news about mama.. i hope everything is fine there.. trying to figure out some things from here, so i'm doing some googling.. kinda figured out the way but i'll ask her.. owh i took 2 days off last week.. went for my first massage... wasn't how i expected it to be.. it kinda hurt after, so i was disappointed that i bought the package cuz that'll be a waste of money... got influence with what wahida did huhuhuh but that'll be once in a lifetime thing.. no more massages like that after i finish using all my session.. and also we went to genting on friday.. weehooo havn't been to their outdoor themepark.. nothing to brag about but it was a fun time out with my sisters.. they managed to persuade me to get on the solero ride and yaya asked me to go on the flying something ride..out of the two, the flying ride was better.. solero almost gave me a heart attack cuz i felt the strap was loose and although i knew it was locked, i couldn't help but think i could be flung out... also my tummy had them butterflies and i couldn't tahan that.. the ship ride was a torture too huhuhuh it wasn't scary, it just gave me that tingling feeling in my tummy and i can't stop laughing...

wasn't much to do there... took the bus from OU at 9am, n got the bus back home at 6pm.. rode the cable car and i don't know why but it was scary for me.. yaya also got a bit scared and it was funny cuz izad was the only one who wasn't.. n i've rode the cable car in langkawi before this n felt that was supposed to be scarier but somehow wasn't.. overall was a fun time.. ok dh malas nk tulis n i forgot to post this.. got another thing to write..

Monday, October 01, 2012

If At First You Don't Succeed

Dust yourself off and try it again

So that's what we're gonna do.. #Rocktober anyone?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Half Way Through

And i'm still the loser who failed a simple Shaytember.. sucks..i kinda have an idea what my new year resolution will be for next year.. make no resolution and expect nothing from yourself.. =(  although having said that, i just took my first step to another thing i had in mind for a long time.. inspired by Shay of course.. i'm not telling till it falls through, which should be somewhere in early October..

anyway, kin is going to labuan next weekend huhuhuh i wish i can tag along.. why does timing always seems so off.. mama's leaving on the 27th so will have to send her to the airport.. then us sisters are planning to go to genting.. last time i went there was with kin n jue, a last minute kinda thing n we didn't even go to the theme park.. so this will sorta be like the first time i'll be there.. just going there for the day, not spending the night there.. taking the bus so hopefully the driver is a safe one that doesn't drive like a maniac... looking forward to that.. but also bummed that i can't join kin to labuan.. although i did kinda promised myself that i'll go there this year, by hook or by crook.. i just don't know when =s 

ok dh malas tulis.. need to go through my emails n print out mamam's flight tix huhuhuh i hope she enjoys herself there n larat nk jalan2.. worry about her kaki or lutut yg slalu sakit tu.. nk jln2 kt OU pon die penat ape lg for vacation.. so hopefully all goes well for her.. n since she won't be around, i think i'll start experimenting on cooking again.. which reminds me, i need to post my Quinoa recipe.. ke dh? well, not that anyone will be trying it.. saje je  =b  okbye

Monday, September 10, 2012

I Fail

It's as simple as that.. i don't have reasons, but i do have excuses.. i couldn't fathom the point when i was writing it, but what was i thinking?? Fruit day over meatless monday? i was starving last thursday.. i had a good start, i bought strawberries and raspberries for work.. not that they were filling but just to fill my tummy a bit.. then during lunch i bought more fruits.. i guess it was ok, but then it kinda was the wrong timing.. i had cherry berry so basically the trips back and forth to the loo kinda make my stomach empty and eating only fruits doesn't really help.. i got home n was too tempted by mama's sambal udang huhuhuh although i didn eat that much, it still made me fail my 1st Shaytember goal *sigh* and as for my crunches? i did 40 crunches and then did some other abs workout but didn't really cover the remaining 60 crunches i was supposed to do.. i suck i know.. i guess the other 2 goals aren't really something i could be proud of.. it just goes to show what kinda person i am.. i pick and chose which goals to accomplish as long as their convenient huhuhuh 

so anyway, i was thinking of switching my first goal from fruit day to meatless monday.. but then being monday today, i kinda break that goal too as i had chicken.. Shaycarl did say that the secret is to never give up.. and maybe, just maybe, i won't.. i just won't name the day but i'll do my best to have a meatless day.. not that it have a huge impact.. the weekend was my trial.. we managed to make quinoa salad, thanx to the Shaytards recipe.. we edit bits here and there but mostly the ingredients were the same.. we were kinda nervous bout how it taste, but it was surprisingly good.. izad n mama couldn't eat it so the definition of good kinda defers.. i'll put up the recipe later with pics, although the pics doesn't really seem to look that yummy.. so yeah, made that on saturday and had laksa.. not really meatless cuz kuah laksa ade ikan right? but i didn't physically ate a fish.. so i'm tricking my mind to say that was my version of meatless saturday  =b then on sunday, had quinoa salad for breakfast, ate quite a lot actually, then ahd dimsum for late lunch.. and also tosai n roti tissue shared with my sister for early breakfast.. dim sum was chicken so not really meatless either.. but i'm adjusting huhuhuh

packed some salad for the office but apparently, i can't eat it without chips.. owh i forgot to mentioned i eat it with tortilla chips.. but i didn't bring the chips to the office so i couldn't swallow the salad.. kinda weird.. so yeah i'm tweaking my Shaytember goals.. it seems like it doesn't matter what my goals are.. i need yaya to help me with something in the mean time.. and then my Shaytember will last till end of the year hehehehe  =b  long weekend this weekend weeee can't wait..

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Shaytember Is Here!!

And what are my goals exactly?  well, first off, i noe i owe a raya post (who's asking for one anyway) i haven't gotten around to get the pix, hat's why.. so maybe later? as for Shaytember, what the hell is it? i think only fans of the Shaytards will know.. agak poyo, but i'm looking at it in a fun way.. i know how i am so i won't set big goals, plus i haven't really given it much thought, so i'm gonna start small..

before i start babbling, just as an intro,Shay decided to use the month of September to set some goals to better ourselves.. he set three goals for himself, qualify for the Boston Marathon, able to do 100 consecutive push ups, and learn to play the guitar... and on top of those three goals, he has sub-goals to achieve those 3 main goals.. basically what to do everyday to be able to achieve the 3 goals..  what are my goals? i don't have any in particular, so i think this will be a trial run for me.. i know i suck at being discipline n all, but like he said, i need to have that fire within me (hahaha poyo) to keep me wanting to do it.. so after a brief thought in to it, i think i've come up with some things that are quite achievable..

1. Thursday is fruit day
they have meatless monday but i don't think i could do that just yet, looking at the way we cook our meals.. plus i just had crab last night so that pretty much fail if i do choose meatless monday.. Fruit day seems more achievable for me.. granting that i am able to find some fruits  =b  which reminds me, need to buy some grape for me to munch in the office to avoid being hungry.. 

reason why i chose this? i guess this is at least i could do to eat healthy.. i've never been the one to count calories and such, so i guess i'm just tricking my mind to think that this is a 'healthier' thing..

2. 100 crunches per week
yes i admit that i suck at sticking to working out.. i don't think i can manage to work out everyday even if it takes me 10 minutes.. but hey, i've done it once, maybe i can force myself to do it again.. beck when mum and sis went for umrah, i managed to do 15-30 mins of workout for at least 5 days.. check my tumblr for what i did.. i don't have a specific day to do this, so in case i don't manage to do any during the weekdays, my weekend will be full of crunches... hopefully i could download an app on my tab that could track what i do.. any suggestions?

reason why i chose this? isn't it obvious already.. i've always wanted to work out and if u may notice, most of 'goals' that i set has no result cuz i'm so unmotivated and indiscipline.. why would this be any different? it won't.. i may fail, but i hope i don't.. i want to slowly but surely have a flat tummy.. maybe not by end of sept, but someday perhaps, eh?  =b

3. No post whining and bitching bout work
ok so i might have failed yesterday, but that was supposed to be a backdated post =b (alasan).. but seriously, i wanna stop writing post about how much i hate my work and wanting a new job but not knowing what to do..  i'll try to write more positive post.. hopefully by end of each week, i'll report how my progress is and how i'm doing for Shaytember.. i might try posting through my tab cuz if i wait till i get to work, then it'll just be postponed till an update will seem so yesterday.. 

reason why i chose this? just a random attitude adjustment... i talk the talk but don't really walk the walk so this month is kinda like a chill pill for me... focus on ur work, and get that promotion u're aiming for.. pretty pls?

4. Finish a book
this may seem like nothing cuz i could easily finish reading a book by 3 days top.. but i've seen to stop reading for sometime now.. can't recall when i last read a book, although i know it was this year n and Agatha Christie book.. my aim is to finish this current book i'm reading, then i could go on and read Janet's Stephanie Plum #18...

reason why i chose this? just something to pass the time and feel i have been doing less lately when i should be doing more.. and maybe just another goal to add to the list that i know i can do so i could brag and said, at least i achieved one goal.. no? hahahaha


I don't have sub-goals, cuz these are just short-term goals and just testing the water at how am i able to stick to it.. perhaps i should try October for something more serious? anyway, as i mentioned, i might do progress update (bkn keje je ade progress update k), to see how i'm doing.. i hope that by each sunday, i'll be able to say, "i managed to go through thrusday with only fruits," and also "i did 100 crunches this week, boo-yahh.." the post and book thing, i think i can control.. izad, help me out pls?  =b

Monday, September 03, 2012

Mama Is Going To London!!!

It's true.. it happened so quickly.. one minute we're talking bout aunty gee's trip to london, the next mama said she wanted to come along and surprisingly, papa said yes  =b  so here's how it happened.. last saturday, after beraya kt serendah, papa told mama that tok's coming over for dinner.. we didn't manage to cook in time so papa bought some food outside.. long story short, we were asking when aunty gee n all are taking off to london to register for Faheem.. she told her dates n mentioned that kok long is going a little later.. as usual, sure la ckp bestnyer gi london.. plus aunty gee mention plan nk 'singgah' spain or paris or maybe jumpe abg omar kt belgium.. then mama kate bestnye, nk ikot boleh? aunty gee ckp blh, join la kitorg.. then mama hint2 kne tny papa (while subtly pointing at papa).. then she asked blh pegi x? n papa said pegilah.. but i didn't make anything out of it, knowing papa... maybe depan tok je ckp blh, but when tny again die akan ckp x.. but the next day mama mentioned, she asked again cuz she was thinking maybe he said go but pay urself.. so she confirmed with papa that she can withdraw her asb money to go.. weee syoknyer...

izad dh gedik2 ckp nk ikot.. i told papa n papa said "die ade duit ke?" muahahahaha at first mama mcm xnk bg izad ikot konon xfair sbb dpt gi aussie twice.. but then she also said later, kalau blh ikot, izad ikot la adelah org teman mama hhuhuhuh then izad konon xnk kawan cuz i didn't want to go... ehh hello, who could say no to London??!!?!  there's something to it's name.. kalau ckp gi australia, it's like yeahh, but if ckp gi london, it's like double woot yeahhh  =b actually akalu ikotkn hati mmg nk gi.. i got some savings then hopefully can withdraw asb gk huhuhuh but call me poyo but i was thinking about work... timing sgt xsesuai.. mom will be going on 27th sept till 7th oct, so if i wanna go too, it'll most probably be the same date.. n looking at my timeline, i've got things to settle by then.. my wbg dh nk handover by mid sept so that should be no problem.. but then i have to takeover the mtf since hani's on maternity leave and that's just about to start after having the conference call the other day.. n by 27th, we're supposed to be getting some figures from the others centre and god knows what else we have to do  =s  kinda bummed gk bout it but what to do.. we'll have to plan one family vacation where we all can go perhaps.. maybe next year? hehehehe

Friday, August 24, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya

Nnt2 jer buat full post blh? a bit too late (since raya ptt 1 day jer) but saje wanna wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya.. dgr citer ade org tu beraya sakan smp ke overseas lg tu.. hebat nyer hahahahha taking monday off.. nk gi beraya mkn kuih raya la plak.. will gather raya pics (although still xsempat nk amek pic ngn opah sbb opah penat huhuhuh) then post some of them here...  overall, something felt missing this raya.... maybe cuz we were more organised n weren't really rushing the last minutes.. but either way, it was still fun.. didn't eat as much as i wanted to though..

anyway, that's about it.. and again,

Selamat Hari Raya


Thursday, August 16, 2012

You're Never Fully Dress Without A Smile


Today I is very the happy hehehehe Maybank will be giving a speacial ex-gratia to most of it's staff... meaning, we'll be getting RM1000 for freeeeee  weehooooo cover duit raya nk bg my relatives hahahaha or maybe Galaxy tab i bought tu  =b (but need to bare in mind the EPF and tax that will be cut from there boohoo)  

anyway, just a quickie.. Raya is approaching very soon.. just wanna wish u all Happy Hari Raya.. those spending raya as new wives (muahahahaha) good luck with that.. xyah gadoh2 plih nk raya mane kn? untung husband korg dpt wife cm korg kn.. hahahaha i hope this raya will be a festive one for me.. can't wait to celebrate it with opah.. hopefully die sehat.. looking forward for the food.. dh terliur heheheh oklah that's it.. saje je nk kecoh2  =b

Selamat Hari Raya y'all  =)  be safe..

Monday, August 13, 2012

1 Week To Go

post ni backdated tp nk post gak sbb dh penat tulis.. boleh?  =b


So we have about a week left till Raya.. and i still haven't gotten my period yet.. i'm pretty damn sure i ain't pregnant =b it's friday and initially i thought of taking a day off.. two to be exact, today n monday.. but xjd... why?? well, i dun wanna get into it huhuhuhu so i might have to go tudung shopping tomorrow or sunday.. only one weekend left.. confirm ramai org n sesak gler huhuhu then have to really get down on the number of ppl i have to hand out angpau for this yr n the amount.. agak lambat sket la for this yr.. my dad's side tu yg pening sket.. nk kne list out the name so that no one will be left out.. bygkn la that day dh buat list n ade 61 org.. this is just kazen2 n anak buah (kazen nyer anak).. naseb baek not that much extended family members.. stakat tok chik jer n luckily cucu2 die sket n sng ingat.. mama's side la plg sng.. adam, isa ilyas.. haa kn sng 3 org jer  =b  but mama's side ade extended family... usually xlist out their names cuz depending on sape yg dtg.. just make sure ade enough to give jer.. even with the extended family pon rsnyer still lagi kurang dr family papa hehehehe

anyway, looking forward to this raya (as always)... xsabar nk mkn byk cuz sedap nyum nyumm... mama kate nk masak nasi lemak... rsnyer thn lps ckp xnk masak byk2, and tu mcm ayat standard for each yr, tp end up mesti masak byk gk hehehehe xperla, asalkn hbs mkn right... hopefully opah sehat this yr n blh amek pics with her byk2.. there was one raya when she fell down n hurt herself.. end up raya die terbaring jer sbb sakit nk bgn huhuhuh also looking forward to our kazen outing that they usually have 1st night raya tu... last yr xgi jln sgt, stakat supper jer tepi pantai tu.. the previous yr, we went to watch a movie.. about 21 of us.. gler rombongan cik kiah.. pastu after wayang, gerak gi a&w sbb lapar heheheh the yr before that plak xjoin dorg.. smp PD lmbt sket.. smp2 jer dorg tgh siap2 nk kluar, and by that time dh penat sgt so mls nk join... tp dorg gi dinner best mkn bbq n buffet bagai if xsilap.. 

i think both kampung contrast gler when it comes to raya.. now i think it's already our custom to spend the 1st day kt selayang..  since opah is considered the eldest sibling yg still ade on her side, most of her younger siblings will come visit time raya..  so mmg penuh sgt time raya.. i don't think i knew this about 5 yrs ago cuz usually blk PD tgh hari cmtu so xsempat nk tgk the relatives that come by.. but i think about 3-4 yrs ago, mama has asked to stay longer to help out..  since opah's kid xbyk cm tok, xramai sgt nk tolong2 masak.. it's just mama and us and angah n usu.. pastu if masak sket je xper gk, slalu each yr menu same byk jer.. sumer teringin this and that kn..  so before raya (last day of fasting) usually dh start busy with the preparation.. and on raya morning itself pon pg2 dh start buat keje.. i think that 3 yrs ago (the yr xjoin kazen outing kt PD tu) was like a 'culture shock' for me.. penat gler yg xterbyg la konon.. sbb ppl came non-stop so nk hidang etc mcm terlbh penat plak.. so yeah, on mama's side mmg terasa raya la.. ramai2 dtg over and we ate a lot of raya food.. but on papa's side (from what i remember) only the morning felt like raya.. wake up in the morning, makan some raya food (i don't even know who cooks them) then gi kubur kot, n sesi salam2 n collect duit raya... photo session sket, then done.. then it feels like blk kg cm biasa... bygkn ade one year tu, kitorg overnight kt selayang so 2nd day raya br blk PD.. pg2 tu semangat la pakai baju raya (zaman bli baju raya more than 1).. smp2 PD, sumer ngn baju tido la, baju biasa2 jer smbl layan drama korea huhuhuh ni raya ke ape weh?? so xkn kitorg je yg melaram baju kurung.. masuk bilik tukar baju.. hahh amek ko, pakai baju raya dlm keta jer.. so since then baju raya cukup 1 jer.. utk pics kat selayang  hehehehe that's one thing i don't like to raya kt PD... dh la crowded.. mkn pon susah (hahaha complain lbh nmpk).. they have a way there.. biar guys mkn dlu... problem is, guys makan xingat org blakang.. n malas la nk rebut2 mknan ngn dorg.. end up usually skip lunch kt PD.. some of the time mmg food xcukup pon... padahal dh berzaman masak utk ramai2, still xleyh nk budget  =b (complain lg).. then sometimes no dinner provided.. just utk fathers2 jer.. tu yg ade outing kazen2 utk cari mkn tu.. then another thing, tido.. baek chop tpt tido cepat sbb nnt xder tpt.. hehehehe ade one yr tu xde tpt, so join aishah n family tido marina... naseb baek ade tpt 'extra' huhuhuh

but even after all that 'complaining', those are the 'memories/experience' of raya on my dad's side..  mcm dramatic je cr citer tp actually x pon.. on my mum's side feels more homey and warm, on my dad's side feels more ermmm loud? hehehe well that's about it.. depending on my mood, i'll update about this year's raya maybe with some pics...

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Well, i'm not quite sure how to work this out so that'll explain why my title is in black.... anyway, went shopping today and got myself a Galaxy Tab woot!! woot!! got the Tab 2 yg 10.1 cuz i'd figure that my parents may wanna use it and a 7inch screen might be a little too small for them.. plus if i got a smaller screen, i might as well get myself a new phone instead right? so here i am in my sister's room at 2:42am, godek2 my tab...haven't gotten a lot of games yet... just watched some Shaytards a bit just now... actually got a post drafted but not yet finish so might out that up tomorrow perhaps... another week till raya.. can't wait hehehe miss my frens a lot... somehow, low yat reminds me of them for some reason.. going off to bed now.. night night...

Monday, August 06, 2012

There's Only One Solution

I know it, you know it, and it's pretty damn obvious.. but why can't i take that 1st step and do what's necessary?? why can't i decide for myself for once in my life.. i've been talking and whining about it long enough and that should by right make my decision easier right?? and what am i talking about? my job of course.. i'm sure ppl are tired of reading about it (ade ke yg bace?), and i'm damn sure tired of writing about it.. bout how i don't have the skills and knowledge to excel in this job, bout how i don't have the passion and drive and all that shit.. then also bout this is my comfort zone and it isn't easy for me to let it go, and also how i don't have any clue what to do if i do quit and also the fear of going through interviews and making new frens all over again (cuz let's face it, i suck at that)..

and then it hit me, i've never really gone job hunting before... i've only had two jobs and both of them wasn't really initiated by me.. all i did was merely go for interviews... Jue used my Job Street account to apply for jobs right after i graduated and one of the company she applied for was Marcus Evans.. i got a call and i went for the interview... n my current job? well, my dad asked me to send my resume to his friend, and when i got the call, i went for the interview... see? i merely just went for interview after other ppl helped point the direction.. so really, i have no clue where to start.. and in order for me to end my misery here, i need to take that one crucial 1st step that could help me move one step further to where i am now.. so now, i have to figure out what to do now..

i guess i have to 1st decide what i want to do.. whatever it is, i'm not gonna jump back in this field, so i definitely have to start from scratch.. and let's be realistic here, it wouldn't be easy for me to nail something which i have no basic in.. ppl out there aren't really looking for noobies, hence another set back in my plan.. then i have to start looking, which i haven't been doing or haven't even tried.. and now all the things that's holding me back becomes clearer.. i just wish there's a test i could take that could determine what i can do in life.. i kinda have a brief idea, but not one that most would agree upon.. i want to work for and NGO.. mainly things that deals with people, use more heart rather than my head.. and it may seem lack of enthusiasm on my behalf, but i don't want anything that needs to be studied 1st (like what i'm doing now).. cuz i'll admit it, study isn't my strengths.. or in other word, i'm stupid.. so yeah, i would prefer something more like that..

and now, after i've set all these down (for the umpth time) the question is, what the hell do i do now?  *help* 

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Today Is Not A Good Day

suddenly everything (well almost everything) for me went wrong.. i woke up still unable to figure out what my boss asked me to do.. then when i got to work, this son of a bitch keep pestering me with this one task i needed to do... and in my head, i keep calling him all these bad name that directly hilangkn my pahala puasa.. he is officially a fat pig to me, and i want no association with him what-so-ever.. it's one thing being annoying but being cynical about it with that ugly face of urs doesn't really help.. that was enough to set my mood for the day... then there was this meeting i was unaware of.. she tends to do that sometimes.. i know it's cuz she has a lot in hand, but i feel like i've been ambushed.. suddenly i have to bring this and that, and all the while recalling what the hell she's talking about.. then when i can't figure it out, i finally asked her what meeting was this for.. and she was like "i didn't tell u?" hell no u didn't.. then i have to sit there explaining to some guy about things i did that i wasn't sure of... it was definitely one of the point where i felt like quitting.. i don't know why i still torture myself by having this job anyway.. there's nothing about it that makes me wanna stay, and the only reason i am staying there (for now anyway), besides not knowing what else i can do, is because it seems that my parents want me there.. and i'm an expert at doing what they want.. i took a degree course that they wanted me too, and know i have a job that they want me too... *sigh*


and yet again, another back dated post... so yeah yesterday didn't go well for me.. needed some music to calm me down.. then i figured i might as well do something on my task to at least move half an inch further..and so i decided to stay back.. and since it's the fasting month and the rest of the family had terawih, i told lil sis to fetch me once they're done.. left the office n went to klcc to buy some food... sanggup semata-mata nk minum gong cha.. bought some sushi and cucuk2 and that's what i had for my break fast.. then went back to the office at around 8:15 and it was already empty.. managed to do add on some things but it's still incomplete.. they reached around 10:20 so i left then.. went home n watched some tv.. slept at almost 2am... n now i is very the sleepy *yawn* wanna take a day off next week, not sure when though.. this morning, still can't find the motivation to work.. i know i have a new motivation, our next vacation, but it didn't seem to work this morning... oklah, malas tulis.. backdated post 'plop' tu...  bye