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Thursday, December 27, 2012

My New Somewhat Hobby

I used to love baking before this.. not that i've tried baking many things, mostly just cupcakes or muffins and only have tried baking moist chocolate cake n chocolate cheesecake.. but i remember loving that.. getting ready the ingredients and measuring it all up.. watching the batter gets bigger and puffier in the oven.. but cleaning up after was like hell (as i mentioned before, i hate cleaning up after)... but somehow, as time goes by, i've noticed that i'm more leaning towards cooking as oppose to baking.. i don't feel like baking whenever the thought occurs.. but when i get the chance to cook, i'm somewhat more eager about it...

i guess i do enjoy cooking before this, like during the time my parents went for haji, i took down some recipes from mama for me to cook..those time i just made simple dishes to eat with rice.. but lately, i tend to experience more with pasta (konon mcm byk kali try je =b )... jue ckp kite ni masak western je, padahal time masak pasta je lah mengada2 nk send pics.. bler kite masak sup bayam or masak lemak kobis xtersend pics pon hahahahah so ever since i tried the Shaytard's Alpine Mushroom Pasta, i wanted to perfect it...

as mentioned, the 1st time i tried to make this, papa had to eat it with ketchup sbb tawar huhuhuh...

the 2nd time i made this, i remembered to taste 1st before eating it.. it was all vegan this time cuz i had no chicken so i only used mushroom n asparagus.. looks better right...

the 3rd time was a failure.. i used angel hair spaghetti instead, and i used wild mushrooms rather than canned button mushroom, plus i remembered to buy cheese boo hoo... 

i made this during my recent day off.. semangat nk cuti n masak, decided to make lamb chop cuz xpuas mkn kt rumah tok cik hari tu... there were 3 main factors that made me fail, 1st is using angel hair spaghetti.. sgt x sesuai with this kinda pasta and maybe i over-boiled it... 2nd was the wild mushroom.. i didn't realised i didn't use wild mushrooms before this until i started cooking.. air die kluar and at first i thought "ok, i don't need to add more water now" wrong!! the pasta tasted funny cuz of that mushroom water oozing out huhuhuhuh and 3rd was the cheese.. finally when i remembered to use cheese, i overdose the pasta with it huhuhuhuh it didn't give that nice texture that i wanted... so yeah, practice makes perfect only when u try to do the same thing over again, not when u experiment the "same" recipe with different ingredients huhuhuh

owh well, i'll perfect that recipe soon.. anyway, another round of lamb chop this coming new year yeah!!! planned to have lamb chop, garlic bread, mushroom soup, cheesy wedges and perhaps burgers.. different side dishes from what i made that day... that day i only did lamb chop, pasta and some mixed vegie... look it!!

the ingredients...

tadaa!!!! (don't be deceived by the look of it huhuhuh)

this is what i made awhile back, time cuti gk... roast chicken, mixed vegie, garlic bread and cheesy wedges... i know ulang2 je menu kn hahaha but this was in October so agak back-dated  =b 

ok, enough bragging about my 'cooking skills'... browsing for other draft that i can finish writing to post.. post genting still not done yet cuz pics are all in my tab.. hope everyone has a good weekend and new year ahead..

Monday, December 24, 2012

Year in Review: 2012

ok it's been awhile i know.. xde mood n sgt2 malas.. and i figure i'll still be lazy this week, so i thought of doing this a little bit early and brief (my version of brief, anyway).. so how has the year been treating me? it's been good, considering.. so just as i did last year, i'm just gonna do bits and pieces of random things and highlights of this year here... also, just as last year, the first shout out and "one of the most awesomest memories" goes to the wedding of my best friend, shikin!! i've blogged about it and can still recall the great moments we had.. i'm too lazy to link so just browse about if u wanna read it.. it should be somewhere in july, right? owh well, it was a fun experience just hanging out with my friends and just being together.. funny we only see each other once a year, boo hoo... in no particular order (except for the 1st place) these were among the great memories and experience i had this year...

of course, how can i go on and not mention about Avenged Sevenfold's concert.. Awesome!!! among the top 3 best concert i've been to, that's for sure.. i don't think my excitedness is properly express here, so just imagine me jumping up and down while typing this out  =b

our 5 in 1 dinner this year.. although we didn't take a lot of pics, n mama wasn't feeling good, it was still fun.. i didn't make a post about it yet, but we had dinner at the Traders Hotel KL... and they had dim sum!! yeayyy for that hehehehe

we had more family moments this year, more dinners together, and finally had our short family trip in Cherating!! although the hotel was a bummer, but we had fun together just hanging out.. even when we didn't know what to do, as we realised there was nothing there, we did manage to have a good time.. and i discovered my love for satar.. maybe love is an understatement.. it was more of an obsession.. for the past 2 days there, i think i ate more than 50 satar.. yumminess hehehehe

this year also, i realised that i love cooking.. this wasn't a one of thing.. just something i noticed.. and what i've been trying for a couple of times now is making pasta.. i've succeeded, i've failed.. owh well, practice makes perfect and although i have a strong feeling that i won't be opening my very own restaurant, i would really love to cook for my family + opah n all one day...

i managed to do more work out this year compared to last year.. does that count? not that i'm really keeping count, but that's just how it feels and i will consider that to be a big accomplishment for me.. even tho 'shaytember' didn't succeed pffttt...

i'm still obsessed with the Shaytards  =b  i even got their 2013 calendar, which sadly wasn't signed by them.. i was keeping my fingers crossed for that one.. and it'll be more value for money if it was signed cuz total of the calendar plus shipment? about rm105++.. not cheap for a calendar.. owh well...

i bought myself a Galaxy Tab hehehe not really a huge highlight but, it's among the things i bought with my own money that cost quite a bit (for my standard at least) 

work-wise? plenty of ups and downs but i hope this will be the year... please?

i went for my first treasure hunt this year, which had me started to like treasure hunts.. only did them twice, but i love the 1st one better.. cuz it was with my family!!!

errr i took a picture with Siti Nurhaliza? hahahaha boleh la...

paid off my car for another year wee hoo.. i now have only 1 year to go before i fully own a car.. and  a somewhat increment for not having to pay my monthly loan.. 

and last but not least, how things are going on with my family.. couldn't ask for anything better =D

well that's all i could think about now... there some lows this year but not worth mentioning.. the year ain't over yet, and we still have another family dinner planned, i.e. our parents anniversary tomorrow.. i think it's their 30th anniversary.. haven't gotten them anything just yet.. not quite sure what to get them.. we're planning to go for Japanese food tomorrow night yeayy...

as for the year  ahead, i'm still keeping my stand with having no new year resolution.. so no pressure.. i'll just do the usual of trying to better myself, in mostly all aspect.. so, although it's a tee wee bit early, Happy New Year and let's welcome 2013 with open arms..