Check This Out

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Meat Point @ TTDI

This is so back dated, i can't really recall when it was.. My family decided to have a family dinner (weehoo).. there was no lunch so i guess naturally, papa was hungry.. he asked what's for dinner and suggested to eat at Jasema (mamak je? heheheh) but then as usual, once we get in the car, we were still putting out ideas where to eat.. so izad suggested to eat at Meat Point at TTDI.. the thing with us is that restaurants kt TTDI mmg xkhatam lg.. we usually just eat at the same place.. Santai and lately Homst.. so since it was a good idea, we decided to try it out.. 

Meat Point @ TTDI.. it's easy to find, just the same row with Standard Chartered..

we ordered one dish each, although initially i thought of just sharing.. here's what we had...

We ordered some mushroom soup and garlic bread for starters... the soup was nice, same goes to the bread..

Yaya and I had carbonara.. at first i didn't order anything, thought of just sharing.. but then i felt hungry, so i decided to have this instead.. taste good, not great.. 

this is a little tough.. since the meat all looks the same.. but i'm pretty sure it's the beef.. basically u choose ur meat from the freezer, then they'll gice u 2 side dishes.. choose between the saute or grilled vegie, and also between fries n mashed potatoes... the taste are normal.. they should have more vegies.. so mama n papa had the same dish...

izad had the lamb.. initially, i planned to share with her.. but upon the arrival of the food, nmpk mcm xcukup jer huhuhuh

so that's what we had.. the total damage was RM200++ (can't remember exact amoount) plus drinks la.. my honest opinion? u could get better western food at Tony Roma's, Chillis or TGIF at about almost the same price but with more side dishes.. but if u're around Taman Tun and thinking of going having some western food, u could give it a try.. it ain't bad, just that there are better places to eat  =b


drafted this post dh lamer gler.. clearing my blog and just checking on anything yet to be publish.. so be prepared for random stuff..

Friday, November 16, 2012

Annapolis + The Guardian

I watched the movie Annapolis last night featuring James Franco.. then suddenly i felt like writing a break up story inspired by that movie plus The Guardian, featuring Ashton Kutcher.. i'm liking the way it's turning out so hopefully this could be a nice shortie.. i wrote Another Daydream once but it didn't work out for me (as with any other thing i try to write).. start small, that's my aim.. 

that is all  =b

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Time To Party?? Not!!

ok, citer dah basi.. but since i've been doing it 2 years in a row, i thought i'll just do a quickie, plus i had some pics..

So we had our department dinner on 5th Oct (papa's birthday).. for some reason (other than the president of the staff committee) it didn't feel exciting as the previous ones i attended.. click here for last year's dinner and here for 2009 dinner where we newbies performed.. those nights seemed more exciting and fun.. so this year's dinner was held at Furama Hotel.. i guess it's new cuz the interior seems like it.. but the surrounding area looks kinda scary to me.. maybe cuz it's known somewhat as the red light district hahahaha anyway, we got there earlier than last year, siap2 n lepak2 kt surau hotel tu dlu... went up to the ballroom (i think) where the event was held.. unfortunately our table was the front one and the speaker was near us so it wasn't really a strategic table to sit at.. plus there was a tiang in the middle of the room that blocked our view..

they played a few games, it was ok.. not too fun though... and of course, in the hype of time, they did the gangnam.. won't comment on the dancing cuz i don't know how to comment without sounding rude (ok kejam huhuh)  oklah malas nk tulis.. here's a few pics i got .. there's other pics actually but i didn't get it from my friends.. couldn't bothered by it..

I don't know why i do the peace sign in almost all pics.. mcm xde pose laen je huhuhuh  annoying plak tgk.. thanx to ashraff n huda for the pics... this year xde ady n hani so a switch in company that night.. ok sgt malas.. this week sgt best sbb selang seli cuti n keje wee hoo... bye

Monday, November 12, 2012

2 Down, 1 More To Go

Yes, I’ve paid 2 year off of my car loan and now left with a year to go.. woot woot.. I’m so excited to call that car mine, plus be about rm800 richer each month muahahahaha my plan (as I may have mentioned before) is to do my best to pay everything off by July.. then I have the remaining of next year to enjoy / save that extra money.. then in 2014 (I’m being optimistic here) I’m going house hunting.. seeing that I’m super picky with the house I want, finding my so called ‘dream house’ might not be easy..

I want a home that’s not so far from ttdi, or kl cuz I don’t want to commute a lot for work.. even a 1 hour drive to work (without traffic) is consider super far.. if possible I want somewhere that takes me about 30mins drive without traffic.. I though of having a semi d cuz I want it to be more spacious but then that’ll cost a lot, so I could just settle with owning a terrace corner lot.. that way I have a garden, and I can go through the back door from inside my house.. I’m also a little picky about the square feet of my house.. my parent’s house in ttdi is I think 24” x 70”(or 75”, xsure).. n I see most houses are about 20” or 22” and they seem a bit small.. I don’t want my house to feel sempit so I’m thinking of a 24” house too..

And then there’s the price.. I don’t make a lot so almost all houses with the specs above cost a lot, more than I could afford.. the houses I could afford, however, are far away like maybe Nilai or something and that’s like living in another country.. xnk laa (gedik).. so now I’ll have to save up some ka-ching for my future home.. unless Prince Harry does decide to marry me, then money is not a issue  =b  ok dh hbs merapu, bye