=b not that i have anything to write about.. currently reading my 1st book of the year The Pact by Jodi Picoult.. ok maybe i cheated a bit cuz i started on 31st Dec, but that was only a few pages..not really the kinda book that i can't put down, so might take it slow this time (hopefully not too slow).. something to add to my resolution (or have i not yet included this) is to read a maximum of 6 books this year.. although i noe that my average time it takes me to finish a book is around 3 days (when i'm not working), so in this case i'll give it a week, i havn't really thought about books i read that aren't that interesting, thus will take me much longer to finish (remember Mercy anyone?) so i'm giving myself about 2months to finish a book, or a month then rest for the other month.. although another point to consider is actually having books to read.. so i hope that within this year, i'll manage to read Cecila Aherns' books and maybe one Torey Hayden book that i might be getting for gift exchange (or maybe not).. what ever it is, i'll try to read more this year.. it's good right? reading i mean.. then Janet's Sizzling Sixteen should be out in paperback this year.. so i should have enough materials..
on another note of things i like, i had this for breakfast..

Capati yummy yummy.. my dad loves the capati here, it's near Maybank.. he used to come here about twice a week for lunch back when he worked here.. now he doesn't get to eat it as much as he'd love to.. so twice now, i've tapau this when i had half-day off.. the first time i was on mc, n the other was 2 weeks ago... n 2 weeks ago, he almost ate 4 capatis... that's a record so far.. i bought 8 altogether n i only had 1 cuz i already had lunch dat day... the capati here is softer than what i've had before.. the kuah dahl also is nice and a bit unique where they also include something mcm kacang hiaju yg sometimes buat bubur tu.. not really a fan of capati, as opposed to roti canai, but definitely the best capati so far.. especially when it's served hot...
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