Final part on the Good Relaxin Weekend... man i ain't doing this again... too much pressure to finish up cuz i'm already forgeting bits of the part... anyway, i'll try to keep this short, unlike the previous post.. i noe it's a bore, but somehow i like details so i tend to write how i speak which will have some details which may not seem neccessary n u won't see the point of it all... but that's just my style... even if my sisters want me to tell them a recap of a story bout what happen or anything, they just aske the question n want me to give a direct answer, no build up on the story or what-so-ever cuz they dun wanna hear about it... something like what i'm doing right now =b
moving on ppl, so friday night was tiring.. tho it may not sound like it in my previous post, i did have a lot of fun hanging out with my colleagues especially taking pics n all.. went to bed right after n woke up the next morning to, whut else, the sound of my mums voice asking us to get up.. at first we were thinking of going to selayang just to pay a visit to my grandma n show off my car hahaha mmg ngade2, but we didn't... the day was spent with what else, SIMS!!!i tried not to on the PC early otherwise it'll be on for hours from morning till night... so i only turned on the comp around 12 like dat...
maen2 n all, then mama suggested to go to OU to usha2 TV lg continue from dat day yg xsempat.. i asked papa but he didn't feel like going out so i told my sister n only izad wanted to join... we went right before maghrib n maghrib kt saner.. then went for dinner near Subway tu... sedap gk dried mee curry kt situ... mama had yellow laksa n izad had roti bakar with ABC 'izad style (a.k.a ice, susu n sirap only with kacang)... yummy...

My Dried Mee Curry

Mama's Yellow Laksa

it was during the day so the bright light at the back makes it look dull...
yeayy now dah ade tv baru n xketinggalan zaman hahahhaha tp the most important part is dat ade USB port so blh smbg external hard disc kitorg n blh tgk movie byk2... we tested Grown Ups the other night n puas la.. so make sure u download DVDrip nyer version ok.. did i say download?? i meant buy.. of course i meant buy.. i always support original *cough cough*
tv smp last tuesday... on Sunday we went for Kenduri tahlil in selayang again... pg tu rushing nk kemas atas blakang tv yg berhabuk2 tu cuz tv nk smp the next couple of days kn.. went to selayang with izad first, then mama joined later... yaya went to bangi for work n papa went for golf cuz he thought tahlil after isyak so he already made plans... then kne perli ngn tok hehehe so spent the day there with the fam n later after 4 something, went to Opah's house.. chilled there for a bit before we went back home...
ok lah done for the day... will do my best to update more later... going down to test the system again....
wau got a new TV!!patut la mata merah jek g keje
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