yesterday was such i tiring day indeed... had lotsa fun (sadly hani xde cuz saif xsehat... hopes he gets well soon) so got up early dat morning around 6:10am (early la tuh) n got ready for the day... thankfully, i ignored my laziness n went to search for my yellow shirt n got other things ready (sorta)... so all that was ready dat morning.. i didn't, however, manage to cut my fingernails so i was rushing that morning to do just that, n at the same time, asked my mum for direction...i only noe roughly how 2 get there.. it's on d way to my aunts' house, but i've never really drove there so i wasn't really sure... i google map a bit just to reconfirm n rushed to Tmn Bahagia LRT station... we were supposed to be at the zoo by 7:30am so i told Ady to be at the station at 7.. Thana decided to go with her brother since she lived about 10-15 mins from the zoo... picked up Ady n managed to not get lost on the way there.. we reached just in time, along with Jacob gk.. n we all gathered in front of the entrance for registration, get our eco-bag n bottled water, as well as our breakfast yg seriously xcukup.. huhuhuh lapar gler pg tu, dh la nk bekerja after kn hehehe over plak...
calling all MRM... line up and get ur stuff here
having nasi lemak for breakfast.. L-R: Siti, Jia Ying, Pat & Ai Li...
when we're done eating, we gathered at Gate C for a short briefing by the zoo keeper.. we were supposed to line up according to our chores but sumhow everything was jumbled up, but who cares right... i stcuk with Thana n Ady so we could work together hehehe the zoo keeper held out stickers for us just an indicator that we were voluntaring there...
making our way to Gate C for the briefing..
short briefing by the zoo keeper...
siap ade disclaimer, we told Audrey to inform u to wear long pants and shoes but i see some of u are wearing short pants n slipars.. so if u have any injuries during ur work, we will not be liable.. don't come and sue us =b
our volunteering sticker that was given out...
in the meantime, the kids n guardians along with other maybankers (education team n nanny) had a bollywood excercise session in the morning...after that's done, we were ready to work... so we walked to the store to get some equipments and proceeded to our part of the zoo which was near the tiger's place... we could hear the tigers n lions roaring that morning... havn't heard dat for a long time... we had to sweep the leaves which wasn't really a fun thing to do considering the fact that this could be done at home so it doesn't make it special... anyway, off to work then..
getting the equipments from the store
and start working..
owh wait, pose dlu...
Dr Kam Wah (left) cleaning the Bear den i think.. on the right tu someone from ORM kot..
Noriti & Jia Ying
Ady n Thana had to do another chores so we split up there... we then moved to another location across the path n finished at about 9:30am... it was so tiring, i can't remember when was the last time i worked that hard n was super exhausted physically... owh wait, off course i can.. i was cutting the grass at PD during fasting =b anyway, we rested at a near shop to catch our breath and have a drink... i ate waffles cuz i was hungry hehehehe
Jacob chatting with some staff while resting... tu GG, kalau blh mmg nk delete pic ni.. die bengong sket kot hahahaha
best jd nanny n education team sbb dpt naek trem (is dat what it's called?)
Jackie in action (left), along with Shazira & Boon Tze..
cleaning the turlte den while the animal is still there... looks fun right..

another job that looks fun is preparing the food for the animals... a couple of the menus here..

the final food

and the delivery... that's Kak Azni on the lorry...
Thana n Ady joined me later n said they had to clean the place for the Animal Show happening later.. chilled for a bit before we had to continue work again at 10:30 am.. Ady n Thana could enjoy the show tho, no fair hhuhuuhh
the animal show that some missed

the crowd.. izad said Abby Abadi pon ade at this time...
Azrai's kids are the cutest... his wife on the right..

we then head to our next location... we were all very tired by this time.. sapu alang2 je hehehehe but still tpt tu bersih.. we were joined by Jacob here.. buat keje gk la dier tuh... we had another place to go before we were done.. it was about 15mins to 12pm when we were finished.. i followed Anitha n the rest for a walk, watching animals before going to the Wild Restaurant for lunch...
our lunch dat day.. 2 pieces of chicken (i only managed to eat one), chicken burger n a coke (fries not in the pic)
maybe that was supposed to be a peace sign hehehe cute kn...
cute3.. Zara with Thana..
they gave out prizes to kids and also gave a mock check to the zoo.... next, group photo!! thana n i cepat cr tpt in the middle hehehe malas nk caption la... tgk pics je k..

when all that's done, Ady, Thana & i went jln2 inside the zoo... i thought we covered the whole park, but apparently we didn't cuz i didn't see the zebras n rhinos huhuhuh 

and tigers...
and bears...
oh my!

brought to u by Maybank =b