Papa eating yummy dishes..
Yaya n Izad finishing their food
Alang with his family.. L-R: Ilyas, Isa, Aunt Ozy, Adam, Alang
as i said, didn't take much pics this year.. so didn't have pics of Pakusu n Usu n Angah =( will try for Raya Haji...
Zara, budak ni jatuh tangga..
Nabihah cute!!
Izad with Umi n Ani..
Mama with Kak Ina's 1st child.. xingat name but tembam gler!!!
katil opah yg dh patah tu.. so bought new one (no pics tho) this day, rumah opah banjir =b
Tuesday night, we went for Raya at Aunt Hyzurah's place.. aunty Anne was in town so we had a 'small' gathering.. here are the '80s babies.. the guy in black is hot =b
The dads.. only a few of them.. (owh on the right is Capt Ismail, the one i said dealt with Sosilawati's suspected murderer.. yikes)
except for Myra (front, middle) we are sitting in a line by family.. Johan is still in Aussie so Myra took his place..
(Back L-R: Yaya, Ruzana, Aidil. Middle L-R: Me, Zawani, Afiq. Front L-R: Izad, Myra, Alia)
well ppl, that's a few pics of raya.. i dun like posting pics much cuz it's so tedious (cmner hani nyer senang gler?) but just a bit to share.. will be posting USS pics soon.. hope u won't be disappointed..
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