remember this book? i think i first started to read it early this year.. remember when i was reading non stop? miss that a lot.. i dunnoe why i'm not that eager to finish this book as i was with the other books i read.. maybe cuz the side story wasn't all that interesting.. the main story was good, about a man killing his dying wife who asked him to, so should he be prosecuted? but the side story was about a husband having an affair, which was so-so.. i guess there might be a connection somewhere, cuz Jodi's book always does, but sumhow it didn't fit it.. still craving to get back to my Stephanie Plum.. miss her (could u ever miss a character from a book?) i miss the whole book actually, Lula, Ranger, Morelli, and especially Steph's Gramna Mazur.. she's like the highlight of all scenes..her 16th book is suppose to be out, but i can't find any of her 15th and 16th anywhere.. some help? if u happened to stumble accross it, just lemme noe..can't wait to get back on my reading horse.. still not sure when i could get the literature kinda books that i want.. they're cheap but i want to borong a lot heheh
so we're already moving to our 3rd week of fasting.. Raya will be around the corner.. can't wait.. already did my Raya notes changes.. first time to be giving out money to the kiddies.. (well actually i gave some to my parents n kazens on my mum's side last year).. i hope i dun get broke.. will be sharing an angpau with my sis so it won't seem like we gave little hahahh this week will be busy till before raya cuz we have loads to do for limit set ups.. then hopefully, i could get a day or two off after raya so i could relax with the fam.. since there's a slim chance that i'll be getting two days off before raya, that makes a total of 5 days of leave that i had to cancel to accomodate the project... so yes, should 've taken leave when i had the chance to huhuhuh but nevertheless, hopefully as soon as UAT is over, i could get a long break n get into my lazy mode... who noes, i might be able to find a good book to read..
title has nothing to do with the post.. was just singing-a-long
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