Check This Out

Friday, July 23, 2010


slacking slacking slacking... It's Friday!! woot!! yesterday was payday so double woot!! taking day off on monday just to clean out my sux to have to plan my leave up front cuz i don't really noe whut i'll be doing in the future... so the days dat i already booked for my leave are :-

July 26 : this coming Monday cuz i just felt like it...

August 26 & 27 : cuz my sis took 27 & 30, but i can't take 30...

September 8 & 9 : right before Raya to help Opah out.. gave the rest a chance to balik kampung considering the furthest my hometown is, is only about 2hrs max drive..

October 15 : right before my bday cuz just felt like it... gonna be 24!!

November 18 & 19: after Aidil Adha so dat i'll have 5 days off!! woot!!

December 3 & 6: so i'll have another 5 days off!! woot!! woot!!

hahaha so i guess if i forget whut days i took, i could just check here =b izad will finish her practical n her presentations n all by end of november i think... so i hope those days off i took in december will coincides with her breaks.. but then again if not, i still have about 7 days of leave left to be decide later...

Jue's here but can't join her vacation as we have MLS n KGR training next week n i have to settle all documents today... projects going on well though... starting to let go of BAUs work ie COB n dv ctpy report... not sure how my level of knowledge is doing tho... still seems like i noe less than i should.. but i guess dat's better then thinking i already noe all there is to noe, n avoid being ignorant.. it's just dat after 7months+ working here, i'm sumtimes still not sure whut i'm suppose to noe...

stop talking about work... bleughh well it's nearly fasting month... can't wait for Raya!! hahaha wanna watch Inception n Sorcerer's Apprentice n maybe even Despicable Me (how do i spell dat?)...