ring.. ring..
orked: hello??
mukhsin: hye, orked.. ader any plan tak for 2nite?
O: hmm, takde.. why?
M: get ready lar, in 20 minutes mukhsin dtg ambil..
O: nk pegi maner??
M: surprise...
i hung up the phone on got ready.. i went outside my room to ask my parents' permission but told them that i was going out with my fren.. 18 minutes later, mukhsin arrived in his blue car.. i got in and buckled up..
O: nk pegi maner ni??
M: ader lar....
we then drove quietly and in 10 minutes, reached on top of some hills.. a magnificent view lays a head of me...
M: jom kluar keta..
O: okies...
we got out of the car and mukhsin went to get something at the back of the car while i sat on the car out at the front, taking in the view in front of me.. it was lovely indeed.. i heard mukhsin coming out front so i turn to look at him and saw him holding a cupcake with one candle lit on it..
M: make a wish..
O: aww.. how sweet hehehe
M: ader lagi present for u...
he took out a little purple box and hand it to me... inside was a charm bracelet with butterflies and hearts...
O: cantik...
his phone rang so he picked it up.. he was nodding while listening to the person on the other line...
M: cube tgk kt saner... ader one last surprise...
he pointed to my left and so i watched at that direction but saw nothing...
O: ader aper??
M: erm, tgk jer, nnt ader sumthing tue..
1 minute
O: takder ape2 pon..
i looked at him questionably not knowing what he was talking about
boom... boom...
i qiuckly looked to my left and saw the fireworks...
O: woww....
i looked at him with appreciation
O: fireworks??
he smiled with pride knowing that he accomplished something.. we watched the fireworks doing its magic above us with sealed lips.. both of us not wanting to interrupt its beauty.. it lasted about 10 minutes and the moment quickly changed from the pounding of the fireworks to silence..
O: it's so quite
i said as i looked up to him
O: thank you
he then leaned over and kiss me lightly on my forehead...
Happy Birthday
kalau laa ia benar2 tjadi...aku pn nak gak
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