this picture was taken on April 3 after the screening of rabun.. i have to say dat i'm quite fond with the works of Yasmin Ahmad..she has a way of capturing ur hearts with the works she's done esp for those emo individuals like me.. n i'm not talking bout the gothic emo type but emotional n sensetive or whutever catogory dat i'm in... i get touched easily (not literally).. i mean, who watches Over Her Dead Body n cry?? well i do... but only at dat last part when the guy was heartbroken n his dead fiance' was watching him sadly.. ok enuff said.. so i enjoyed my evening at Leo Burnett tho i was a lil' quiet as usual.. the storytellerian were all good tho... made sum new frens.. at least i'm actually taking actions n follow my resolution after all hahaha
this is just a quick update n i thot of adding more pics in here.. owh yea, i baught a new video camera on April 12.. will be posting a pic soon... currently, i'm working on a small project (hopefully) with my sisters as a present for my mum on Mothers' Day.. hope it goes well... gotta start writing a bit for the short sketch.. n i must start on my assignments too... n my mum's not around cuz she went for umrah wif my opah n nek usu so there's loads of chores to be done.. plus my lil sis is home but i dun think she'll be dat much help (jahatnyer) huhuh so before i continue blabbing alone here, i'll just stop writing n go to sleep.. nitez...
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